Friday 8 December 2023

December 2023

Programme December 2023
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December Words conclude - Please scroll down

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Pocket Thinking

20 minutes maximum concentration just isn't true!  Listen to these words. We can do better. 

4 minutes

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Interview in English  -  Dr Kathryn Ferry -- Interview in English - Her latest book - The Old Convent East GrinsteadEnglish convents were not only praying and reading the Bible. For many women, convents were a door to a much better and totally rewarding life as well.  Listen to this very intersting inerview.

18 minutes.

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Interview in EnglishDr. Susanne KANNENBERG,  Guinea pigs. Stop being a monster.  Dogs maybe man's best friend. But, guinea pigs hate us with passion.  Especially children.  

25 minutes.

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Interview in DeutschManfred GEIGER - Berge und Abenteuer.  Mountains and adventures.  Leben am Seil. Hängen  im nichts.  Große Gefahr und Spaß.  Life on a rope. Hanging in space.  Great danger and fun.  

16 Minuten.

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Interview in DeutschRainhard KLOUCEK  - Secretary General Pan Europa, Wien.   Pan Europa ist keine kleine Stimme auf der Weltbühne.  Sie wird sehr wohl gehört.  Pan Europa is no small voice on the world stage.  It is very much listened to. 

17 Minuten

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SHORT and to the point - English - Marty Siwy, A walk in the woods - nearly  her last! Trees don't warn when they fall.

3 minutes 

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Short  Story - EnglishA Shimmering Guest - A late night very true story.  Listen if you dare!  Ghosts are very, very real. I saw one many years ago.  A very strange feeling.

4 minutes

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An Experience - English -  BUDAPEST BLUES - A true story from long ago  This was an experience that literally rocked the bus. Very frightening, too.

5 minutes

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A Saying from Tirol - Found in a Bishop's diary

A duck that is swinning for fun in a river is a very happy duck, but, a duck that is swimming in fat in a pan in the oven is not very happy at all!!1

Ein Spruch aus Tirol - gefunden im Tagebuch eines Bischofs

Ein Ente, die zum Spaß im Fluss schwimmt, ist eine sehr glückliche Ente, aber eine Ente, die im Fett im Ofen schwimmt, ist überhaupt nicht glücklich!!!

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December Words 

December ends yet another tired and worn out year.  And, this is why December would like to believe it's still part of November. December is still dark.  But, gradually even this darkness is leaving and going elsewhere.  The longest night has already left and the light has started to turn.  But, December has to be forced to be happy.  We help it each year.  Advent and Christmas.  And we even bring our own colourful lights and much more as well.  But, nevertheless, no one really likes December. No one can wait for its end. There are, after all,  happier times round the corner.  And, much better than now.  NAJ 2023

See you in January!

Sunday 19 November 2023

November 2023

November Words

November is a sandwich,  A sandwich of dark and black with a thin slither of light as a filling.  November touches eternity.  November reaches out to the extremes of our understanding.  November is bigger than the whole and as powerful as the whole. Darkness to darkness.  But, remember, when it gets dark the morning always comes. 

 November Programme

HUGHES, Rebecca - Village life in Eastoft in Yorkshire in England.  Silver linings in even the darkest of clouds.  2022


PAIGL, Hansi - Musik ist mein Leben.  September 2021 - Deutsch.


(2020)  Englishr



Talk 49 World - The Power of Voice!

Tuesday 3 October 2023

October 2023


October Issue 2023,   -  Alexandra Lanz  -  Hansi Paigl  -  Carlos Mazaria  -  Rosy Evans -  Andrea Klar  -   Emil Kashka  - Bruce Duncan - - - October Words - - -
-  -  October is the month of the year that marks the coming of darkness.  The two sides of darkness.  The natural darkness and the supernatural darkness.  The darkness of the ongoing year and the darkness of   spirits.  Neither can be without each other.  Shorter days mean longer nights for the great sleep of nature, and, longer nights for the spirits to freely rome.  Halloween is just one example.  October is the month of the spirits.  October quickly goes.  The spirits go home.  Nature carries on with its sleep. 

Our October Programme

Listen and Read - Alexander Lanz -  A story of miracles, firsts, pain and survival!

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PAIGL, Hansi - Musik ist mein Leben.  September 2021 - Deutsch.

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MAZARIA, Carlos  - A Spanish pigeon fancier.  Not just a flight of fancy. Interview English - Feb. 2023

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Evans, Rosy - Young, in Vienna, a future that's coming.  The ministry. Brave steps.

Interview in English

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Andrea Klar - Interview in English

 Weaving is a passion. Listen to this discussion with Andrea Klar.   How she got started and the steps that she took to make her dreams real. Works of creation are more.  They have a life!
Weaving is creating in a passionate way. 

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Interview in English -  Emil KASCHKA - Poet, writer, and film maker.  Listen to this story of the making of a film.  No easy job. More to it than one sees on the screen.  An interesting lesson.

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Listen and Read - Listen to this short sketch.  Bruce Duncan on what a good sermon is. More than is obvious.

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October Words

October is the month of the year that marks the coming of darkness.  The two sides of darkness.  The natural darkness and the supernatural darkness.  The darkness of the ongoing year and the darkness of   spirits.  Neither can be without each other.  Shorter days mean longer nights for the great sleep of nature, and, longer nights for the spirits to freely rome.  Halloween is just one example.  October is the month of the spirits.  October quickly goes.  The spirits go home.  Nature carries on with its sleep. 

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Sunday 3 September 2023

September 2023

September Words  

September.  The end of summer dreams. Back to reality.  The start of  routine. Stretching far into the future.  Monotony.  September is the new, too.  A new class.  New friends.  September is the time for moving on. Adventure. An unknown future.  Expectations.  Hopes.  September is, in its own special way, the real sart of our years.

Listen and Read - Listen to this short sketch about Jan de Cock.  His life behind bars. In and out of prisons.  All over the world.  Friends he has made.  The good he has done, and the time he was arrested in China, beaten up, and thrown into prison. This is an interesting listen and read.

Christian Harford - A Trucker's Life - Listen to this interview about life on the road.  More to it than many can imagine.
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Sayings  of High Wisdom - Number 1 - Sayings from Tyrol -  From my collection of sayings

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Bernhard Herrman- Kunst und Radio. Hören Sie sich dieses nachdenkliche Gespräch über Radio an. Ein interessanter Austausch.  Interview auf Deutsch

Bernhard Herrman Listen to this reflective discussion about radio. An interesting exchange.  Interview in German

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Heide Brauer - A life of art, travelling, seeing and absobing.  An interesting discussion on Radio Orange.  In English

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Listen and read.

Dada - An artistic fast moving protest.    A brief history.    1st World War.  Switzerland then the world

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Hören Sie sich dieses Interview an. Einen Kirchenchor zu leiten ist keine leichte Aufgabe.  Johanna Malfer leistet in Breitensee in Wien hervorragende Arbeit. Interview Deutsch

Listen to this interview.  leading a church choir is no easy job.  Johanna Malfer does an excellent job in Breitensee in Vienna. Interview in German

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September Words  - 

September.  The end of summer dreams. Back to reality.  The start of  routine. Stretching far into the future.  Monotony.  September is the new, too.  A new class.  New friends.  September is the time for moving on. Adventure. An unknown future.  Expectations.  Hopes.  September is, in its own special way, the real sart of our years.

Tuesday 1 August 2023

August Edition 2023

August Words

We've reached August again.  It was waiting all the time.  And now, having climbed this slippery hill, we have come to the top of the year.  The days are drawing in, the nights getting longer, and the smell of the north is high up on the wind. There is a chill in the air.  Summer is losing its strength.  All that is left is our annual slide downhill  to the end of the year and Christmas.  We can't escape Christmas. It will always be with us wherever we go.  A certaintity.  But, next August is a certainty, too.  Enjoy the coming months.  They  will come and go whatever we do!

Our August Programme

Listen to Heide Breuer. A very rich life of creating.  Many different but very close directions.  Pottery.  Writing - a new book is on its way.  Music -especially piano. Travelling and living in countries near and far.  Backpacking in Africa! + + + +  Hören Sie Heide Brauer zu. Ein sehr reiches Leben des Schaffens.  Viele verschiedene, aber sehr enge Richtungen.  Töpfern.  Schreiben - ein neues Buch ist auf dem Weg.  Musik - vor allem Klavier. Reisen und Leben in nahen und fernen Ländern.  Rucksacktourismus in Afrika! 

Interview in English  First published 1 year ago

Click here to listen.

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Carina Mohacsi im Gespräch mit Nigel A. JAMES.  Diese Seite eines sehr harten und sehr dunklen Traums. Hören Sie sich Carinas Geschichte an.  Eine Krankheit, die sie an den Rand des Abgrunds brachte.  Und sie ist gerade mal 20 Jahre alt. Ein Interview, das man sich unbedingt anhören muss.

Carina Mohacsi talks to Nigel A.  JAMES.  This side of a very hard and very dark dream. Listen to Carina's story.  An illness that took her to the edge.  And, she's only just 20. An interview that must be listened to. Interview in German.

Interview only on YouTube

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Old Moon Eyes - Stories for kids (however old or young you maybe)

This month, Hilary Benson lives in a dustbin in London.  This is a very true story!  Video with text
and translation - English / German
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Listen on SPOTIFY - Follow 49 Talk and search Carlos Mazario
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Sermons are very important
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Listen and Read - Little Emily Clark  -A Guardian Angel, a doctor, and a plane that was leaving for London.  A life and death long ago story.  

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Carina Mohacsi im Gespräch mit Nigel A. JAMES.  Diese Seite eines sehr harten und sehr dunklen Traums. Hören Sie sich Carinas Geschichte an.  Eine Krankheit, die sie an den Rand des Abgrunds brachte.  Und sie ist gerade mal 20 Jahre alt. Ein Interview, das man sich unbedingt anhören muss.

Carina Mohacsi talks to Nigel A.  JAMES.  This side of a very hard and very dark dream. Listen to Carina's story.  An illness that took her to the edge.  And, she's only just 20. An interview that must be listened to.

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GEIGER, Manfred - Berge und Abenteuer.  Mountains and adventures.  Interview in German.   (A summer repeat)

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August Words

We've reached August again.  It was waiting all the time.  And now, having climbed this slippery hill, we have come to the top of the year.  The days are drawing in, the nights getting longer, and the smell of the north is high up on the wind. There is a chill in the air.  Summer is losing its strength.  All that is left is our annual slide downhill  to the end of the year and Christmas.  We can't escape Christmas. It will always be with us wherever we go.  A certaintity.  But, next August is a certainty, too.  Enjoy the coming months.  They  will come and go whatever we do!

Saturday 1 July 2023

2023 July Edition ° Martin Schlamberger and Yordanka Naydenova ° Alexandra Lanz ° Vanessa Mdluli and Pavitra Tottokara ° Lisl Fischer ° Michael and Judith BASCH ° Marty SIWY ° Petra Novak ° Dr. Kathryn Ferry ° July Speaking °


Martin Schlamberger and Yordanka Naydenova  discuss their stories.  Highly interesting.  Everything from bars to yoga to travel.  This is a story of brilliant action that takes in the world.  

Interview in English.  Radio Orange, 28. July 2023  

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Vanessa Mdluli and Pavitre Tottokara A moving interview about the struggle to help prevent the ultimate irreversable tragedy.  Femicide.

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Lisl Fischer im Gespräch mit Nigel A. JAMES.  Ihr Garten und alles, was dazugehört.  Ein sehr überraschender Cocktail aus allem, was man sich vorstellen kann, und noch viel mehr.  Interessantes Gespräch.   Deutsch

Lisl Fischer in discussion with Nigel A.  JAMES.  Her garden and all it involves.  A very surprising cocktail of all one can imagine, and much more as well.  Interesting listening.

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Listen and Read -  Michael and Judith Basch - Listen to how Michael and Judith Basch encountered the Pendulum of Time. A Mongolian trip.
In English

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SIWY, Marty   Cemeteries and Thoughts  We recorded this interview about three years ago. Sadly, Marty passed away the day after her 80th birthday.  18 months ago. We miss you, Marty

(2020)  English 
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Petra Novak has a society in Vienna. "Wegather"  It's all about bringing people together on an intellectual level. Listen to Petra. 

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Dr Kathryn Ferry -  Book website 

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July - 

July July is a 2 month month!  On the one hand, July is a month that has arrived at long last.  It's been a long time in coming.  A very long wait.  The holidays are here at long last.  No more school until autumn.  Time stretching out as far as the eye can see.   

On the other hand, July is a month that has come far too quickly. Where has  time gone?  Doesn't time pass!  The days are now getting shorter.  

July is the top of year.  The next 12 months are both downhill and uphill.  Time at full speed.  A rollercoaster ride.  Back to where we are now. July is a 2 month month. Alpha omega alpha. Hold onto your hats.    

Listen here!

Friday 2 June 2023

June 2023

Scroll down for June Words

Christian Rinder.  Listen and read.  This is a  very interesting story. An end of war cominghome. Christian Rinder was not the only one happy. Others as well.  A very moving story.

Michi Wrizal

An interesting discussion with Michi Wrizal and Nigel A. JAMES. Life  in the Austrian small country town of Retz. An interesting A to Z.  In English.  Rebroadcast on Radio Orange, Vienna, on Friday the 23rd of  June 2023.  Listen and enjoy.

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PAIGL, Hansi - Musik ist mein Leben.  September 2021 - Deutsch

Hören Sie sich dieses interessante Interview an.  Hansi Paigl.  Ein Entertainer mit einer bunten Vergangenheit und einer dazu passenden Gegenwart.  Er hält uns bei Laune.

Listen to this interesting interview.  Hansi Paigl.  An entertainer with a colourful past and a present to match.  Keeping us happy.

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A. J.  Cronin

Listen to this short interesing article about A. J. Cronin.  He was one of Britain's most popular postwar writers. But, he nearly didn't make it at all!  An interesting story written and read by Nigel A. JAMES.

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English - Vanessa Ferry - This is a story of English country life.  There is much more to Great Torrington than meets the eye.  Traditions, history, music, theatre and more!  Listen to Vanessa Ferry.

Listen to Vanessa Ferry on Radio Orange

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 Spanish -  Lucia Romero 

Tamara Mayr. Entrevista: nuevo Single „Trouble“. Cantante, Bailarina, Modelo, Actriz. Primer Single: „Soul“

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Heinrich Thaler  Interview in Deutsch

Heinrich Thala has  written a book, Irgendwohin und Zurück - This is an amazing story of a wartime escape.  Bikes, trains, hiding, fear, and a coming home.  Very, very interesting.

Heinrich Thala hat ein Buch geschrieben, Irgendwohin und Zurück - die erstaunliche Geschichte einer Flucht aus dem Krieg.  Fahrräder, Züge, Verstecken, Angst und eine Heimkehr.  Sehr, sehr interessant

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Hannah Flachberger  Interview in English

Mission Possible!  This is an exciting project that is bringing people together in a very Christian way. A very interesting discussion with Hannah Flachberger and Nigel A. JAMES.  Broadcast on 2nd of June, 2023.  Radio Orange.  In English.

Click here for Mission Possible home page.

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June Words by Nigel A.  JAMES -  June is a month of perspectives.  An English speaking perspective and an Austrian /German perspective.  And, June is an intertesting month, because June is an interesting word.

In England, people say June.  In Vienna,  people say "tune". This is the same as singing a nice tune, or being in tune. In England, couples dance to  romantic tunes and  not a nice june! And, in Austria, people waltz to beautiful tunes composed by Johan Strauss.  And, of course, Strauss isn't only an ostrich with its head in the sand,  Strauss is a bunch of nice flowers as well.

And, June, too, is a beautiful name.  June, in fact was a famous Greek goddess.  The goddess of being half-way-there.  And June played beautiful tunes in June on her Lyra.  And, that's why June is called June in England and Tune in Austrian Tirolean villages and Vienna.

June is a month  going down in gear. June is getting ready for speed.  High summer is just round the corner.  Our decisions are behind us.  Now we must live them. 

June is in its own way the best month of the year.   A Tune or a June that sits squarely in the middle of the year.  June is both alpha and omega, or, if you prefer, omega and alpha. 

June is a month for singing in tune in June, or a month for singing in tune in Tune in Tirol!

This month's saying of the month  from Tirol.

If you want to stay little - Then stay little in a very big way!

Monday 1 May 2023

May 2023

Fast Food - by Nigel A.  JAMES

May!   May is here again.  The door way to summer.  Hot summer days are just round the corner.  May is a month for poets; A fine May day! A silent May day!  A beautiful May day.  Birds, flowers, and so on.  A call for help.  Mayday  Mayday! SOS!  We are sinking.  August day  August day, Help us!  This just doesn't work.  May is a May day party. A celebration. A Maypole is somethig to dance round.  A May Pole is a baby born in Warsaw in May.   Why celebrate work?  A marching day.  A month of asking.  May I do this, that, or, whatever?  Come what may.  May is here again. May it be hot, may it be cold.   May May be just as it pleases!  May I buy you a drink?  

A May or May not Meeting- by Nigel A.  JAMES

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Listen to Jan de Cock

A Life Behind Bars

Jan de Cock has spent his life in and out of prison!  And, when he's free he can't wait to get back. But getting back behind bars isn't always easy. Jan has done very much for prisoners all over the world.  A very interesting story. 

Broadcast on Radio Orange  26th of May, 2023

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Listen to Andrea Nemeth talking to us  from Australia.  Radio Orange .   

Entire show with music and more on Radio Orange,  

This is a lively interview. A life on the ocean wave, a trip to Alice Springs, crocs, spiders, and more; and, above all taking life easy, just as it comes.  This is what we don't do in Europe.

Listen also to interview only on YouTube

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KANNENBERG, Dr. Susanne,  Guinea pigs. Stop being a monster.  Listen

Here are some nasty or unwelcome  truths for guinea pig owners! Maybe, you are a MONSTER!

First broadcast in the summer of 2022


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Read and listen.  Hansi Seiler  

A  Short story. Hansi Seiler moved flat.  Everything was fine.  Th.en came his party. His party wasn't to be. Listen to this very unusual story.

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Listen to Florijan Loernitzo

This is a vey interesting discussion. Florijan Loernitzo is a multi disciplinarian story teller.  Nature, shapes and progressive music.  All his own work.    Just like him - very original. 

Interview first aired on Radio Orange, Vienna - 12th May, 2023

Check Florijan out on YouTube - florian loenitzo

On SPOTIFY - and Instagram, too.

Follow, too, on facebook

Florijan is also playing in concert - 28th June, 2023 in Vienna, Kramladen, Wien.

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 Listen and Read

Listen to this very unusual story of time.  Standing still and moving fast. And, Perfect eggs every morning.

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Patrick Curran is the Chaplain of Christ Church, Vienna.   Listen to this very interesting discussion with Nigel A.  JAMES.  The Coronaion.  A Royal event.  A history that goes back a very long way.  A Royal occasion that's taking the past into the future.  A very interesting listen.

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Lisl Fischer und Susi Müller  - May time thinking of Travel!  Interview in German

Zwei beste Freundinnen.  Lisl Fischer und Susi Müller.  Urlaub auf Reisen. Ein Campingbus mit allen Annehmlichkeiten.  Die beste Art, die Welt zu erkunden und zu sehen.  Aber natürlich ist die Organisation wichtig. Susi ist das Hirn und Lisl die Köchin. Hören Sie zu, wenn Lisl das Geheimnis von Essen auf Rädern verrät.  Es ist verblüffend einfach. Dieses interessante Gespräch auf Deutsch verrät aber noch viel mehr.  Rechtsfahren in Großbritannien und Friedhöfe. Sie sind gar nicht so tot, wie Sie vielleicht denken. Sie sind sogar sehr gute Nachbarn.  Viel Spaß beim Zuhören.

Two best friends.  Lisl Fischer and Susi Müller.  Holidays on the move. A camping bus with all comforts.  The best way of exploring and seeing the world.  But, of course, organization's important. Susi's the brains and Lisl's the cook. Listen as Lisl reveals the secret of meals on wheels.  It's amazingly simple. This interesting discussion in German reveals much more as well.  Driving on the right in Great Britain and cemeteries. They are not so dead as you might imagine. In fact, very good night-time neighbours.  Have fun and listen.

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Saturday 1 April 2023

April 2023

April.  April is different.   April is the month that bridges the gap between the long haul of winter and the fine downward slope towards summer.  April is the sweetest of all.  April is the energy we need.  April is life.  So, put out your hand and touch the hand of April.  Feel it and breath it,  April is here! 

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Listen and Read!  The True story of Paris Maderna.  He reinvented the bike and fell on his head.  An amusing short story.

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Vanessa Mdluli and Pavitre Tottokara

Listen to this amazing discussion.  Femicide - A nightmare conclusion of suffering and despair. Listen to the efforts being made to prevent this ultimate irreversable tragedy.  A very moving discussion.


Edgar.  A young Viennese singer, guitarist, and song writer. Listen as Edgar talks to us about his work.  Tracks, too.  A musical treat.

Edgar.  Ein junger Wiener Sänger, Gitarrist und Songschreiber. Hören Sie, wie Edgar mit uns über seine Arbeit spricht.  Auch Tracks.  Ein musikalischer Genuss.

Radio Orange Wien,  21. April, 2023

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Andrea Nemeth talks to Nigel A.  JAMES

Listen to this very interesting dicussion.  Andrea Nemitz lives and works in Australia.  An exciting colourful life.  She is an underwater photographer  and a diving teacher.  Andrea talks about the Great Barrier Reed and its chances of survival.  Andrea's life is under the waves.  Fish, sharks, turtles, and more.  On land as well.  A vast story.  Distances, and, of  course, Alice!

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Johanna Arbeithüber speaks to Nigel A. JAMES

Listen to this interesting discussion.  Socks, wool, buttons, and life.  Country and town. Upper Austria and Vienna.

Broadcast on Radio Orange 14. April. 2023.  Interview in English.

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Sylvia Dietz kennt sich mit Hunden aus.

 Klicken Sie hier for Interview.

Sylvia Dietz kennt sich mit Hunden aus.  Hunde sind nicht nur sehr nette Haustiere, sie sind mehr.  Sylvia bildet ihre Hunde aus, um Leben zu retten. Suchhunde.  Suchhunde sinddio von unschätzbarem Wert, wenn Katastrophen eintreten.  Erdbeben, Lawinen und mehr. Oder wenn sich jemand einfach in einem Wald verirrt. Man weiß ja nie.  Sylvia und ihre Hunde. Eine wunderbare Geschichte.

Sylvia Dietz understands dogs.  Dogs are not only very nice pets, they are more.  Sylvia is training her dogs to save lives. Search dogs.  Search dogs are invaluable when disaster strikes.  Earth quakes, avalanches, and more. Or, when someone simply gets lost in a forest. One never knows.  Sylvia and her dogs. A wonderful story.

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Listen to this very interesting discussion. Folk music, Brighton, Life in Austria, and Radio Attak.  This was transmitted on Radio Orange on the 7th of April 2023. 

Unfortunately, there were one one or two audio issues that arose whilst making this interview. Sorry!

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Home Thoughts from  Abroad - Poem by Robert Browning

"Oh, to be in England . . . .

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Oleh Kovtun

Hören Sie Oleh Kovtun und Nigel A. JAMES, wie sie über die griechisch-katholische Kirche diskutieren.  Sehr interessant.  Interview auf Deutsch.

Listen to Oleh Kovtun and Nigel A JAMES discussing the Greek Catholic Church.  Very Interesting.  Interview in German.

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Friday 3 March 2023

March 2023

March, 2023. An introduction.  Christmas has long since gone into the past.  We are now moving fast into spring.  Easter is just round the corner.  New inspiration, and growth and new ideas; and, of course, the revival of the old.  Everyone has a story.  Leave no stone unturned; let everyone speak. Their topics are their topics. It our job to ask and leave space for their answers. Ask and let speak!   Please enjoy March.  Nigel A. JAMES, Talk 49 from Vienna.
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Hören Sie Magdalena Pfeifer und Nigel A. JAMES, wie sie über die Kunst des Kurzfilmemachens sprechen.  Es geht um mehr als nur eine Kamera zu bedienen!

Listen to Magdalena Pfeifer and Nigel A. JAMES discussing the art of making short films.  It's more than just pointing a camera!  

Broadcast on Radio Orange, Vienna on 31 March 2023

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Listen to this ancient very useful piece of Hungarian wisdom.  Onions - no tears

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Barbera Mitterer has written a book. Barfuß am Weg. An in-depth autobiography. Listen to this very interesting discussion with Lucia Romera. German and English.

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Poem - Little Boy Blue by Eugene Field.  This is a wonderful poem. Moving and sad. Listen to my explanation and recital.
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Listen to Deniz Beser and Nigel A. James.  Interview in English. This is interdisciplinary art in a very big and interesting way.  Interview first broadcast on Radio Orange, Vienna on 10. Mach 2023


Deniz Beser Home Page

Fanzinest Vienna Zin and Art Book event

Heytbefanzin - Publications and more


Lucia Romero und Tania Napravnik.   

Gleichgewicht, Kontrolle und Zukunft.  Hören Sie sich diese interessante Diskussion an. Feminismus, Sport, Medien und noch viel mehr.  Ausgestrahlt auf Radio Orange am 3.März 2023.  Interview auf Deutsch

Lucia Romero and Tania Napravnik. Balance, Checks, and Future.  Listen to this interesting discussion. Feminism, sport, media, and much more, too.  Broadcast on Radio Orange on 3.March 2023.  Interview in German

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Thursday 2 February 2023

February 2023

Interview an. Spontane Lieder. Ein interessantes Projekt, ein Sänger, auf den man achten sollte!  Gesendet Radio Orange 24.Feb.2023

Stephan Edgar talks to Nigel A. JAMES. Listen to this interview. Spontaneous songs. An interesting project, A singer to look out for!  
Also listen on Spotify - follow 49 Talk or Nigel A JAMES

Broadcast on Radio Orange on  23rd of February, 2023

Listen to this on YouTube

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Listen on SPOTIFY - Follow 49 Talk and search Carlos Mazario

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Click here for a  brand new edition of Full Stop. Number 4. A selection of short stories written and read by Nigel A. James. Listen and be surprised.  Stories from life. A new experience every step of the way! 
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Click here for a  brand new edition of Full Stop. Number 4. A selection of short stories written and read by Nigel A. James. Listen and be surprised.  Stories from life. A new experience every step of the way! 

You can also listen on SPOTIFY. Follow 49 talk or Nigel A. JAMES

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Paul Zuliani

Listen to this interview.  Improvisation. A spontaneous theatre company, action, song, dance, and whatever else fits the bill at the time.  Above all, very good fun. 

Click here to listen to Paul Zuliani on Radio Orange.  Broadcast on 3. Feb.2023 

You can listen here to full interview on YouTube.  

Listen on Spotify - Go to SPOTIFY and follow Paul Zuliani

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The Global Middle   

Stories about people who leave interesting stories behind.  In this episode, we're getting to know Willi Noelli.  A Middle East adventure. A close encounter. A drive in the dark in the middle of a war! An underground meeting.

Friday 6 January 2023

January 2023 - Our Programme - Click here

Michi Vrzal - Town and Country  (on Tram 49 on Radio Orange)

Listen to Mich's interesting account of her new life in the little village of Retz in Austria. Impressions,  sounds and the very friendly people.  There's lots to do in Retz and Retz has tradition.  Wine, church, cinema, and more.

Listen to Michi Vrizal on our YouTube channel (Interview only)

Listen on Spotify


Hören Sie sich dieses interessante Interview an: Singen, Oper, Mozart, Italien und eine aufregende Zukunft, in der Träume wahr werden. Dieses Interview wurde erstmals am Freitag, den 20. Januar 2023, auf Radio Orange gesendet.  Hristina Lazarova singt in Wien auf der Feurich Performing Stage am 12. Februar um 11.00 Uhr.  Die Feurich Performing Stage befindet sich in der Mariahilferstrasse 51. 1060 Wien.

Listen to this interesting interview, Singing, opera, Mozart, Italy, and an exciting future of dreams coming true. This interview was first broadcast on Radio Orange on Friday the 20th January, 2023.  Hristina Lazarova is singing in Vienna at the "Feurich Performing Stage on February the 12th at 11.00.  Feurich Performing Stage is Mariahilferstrasse 51. 1060 Wien.

Constantinous Yiannoudes

Listen to this interview.  Constantinous has an opera company that spans the world.  New York, Cyprus, and Vienna. Recorded summer 2022.

Click here to listen to Constantinos Yiannoudes 

Magdalena Pfeifer.  Artist and Speaker

Hören Sie sich dieses interessante Kurzgespräch mit Magdalena Pfeifer an.  Art zum Frieden und noch viel mehr.  Gesendet auf Radio Orange am Freitag, den 13. Januar 2023.

Listen to this interesting short discussion.  Art to peace,  and much more as well.  Broadcast on Radio Orange on Friday the 13th of January, 2023.  * * * *

Pia Steiner

Pia Steiner - A young feminist.  Listen to her thoughts and ideas.  Feminism in her context.  Interesting listening. Interview in English.  First broadcast on Radio Orange Vienna on 6 January 2023 * * * *

Full Stop Number 3 - 30 Mins of Short Stories and Thinking!

A surprise round every listening corner!  An Angel in winter, helping cats in the cold.  Coffee, What to do with left over coffee, a story from Hungary.  Flower arranging,  this really happened.   Simple Time, a story of time with the flick of a wrist - Life in the East, The Marching Years, a story from the past that will stay in the past.   A girl in a dustbin! A strange story from London. A school time story that's true. And, thoughts of the future that are killing the past!  CLICK HERE FOR ALL PREVIOUS FULL STOPS * * *