Friday 29 March 2024

Libby Love


Libby Love - Life and some below surface thoughts that open the door to yoga. Some fascinating glimpses.  Enough for more than a feeling.  An interesting discussion.  

Interview in English

To listen on YouTube, please click on Libby Love.


Wednesday 27 March 2024

Peter Rosegger and Teresa Krammer


Peter Rosegger - Life growing up in the mountains of Austria.  Listen to this story.  Teresa Krammer used to come calling.  Selling her wares.  A story from a long time ago.  To listen on YouTube, please click on Peter Rosegger.  YouTube video includes full text.

Sunday 24 March 2024

Young in Vienna - A true night time stary


Young in Vienna -  A late night visit.  The police came calling.  A true story.  A party.  Very much noise.  A fine. But, nevertheless,  an unexpected fine happy end.

Thursday 21 March 2024

Dr. Tatjana Fischer


Dr. Tatjana Fischer.  Ein Diskussion.  Utopien, Thomas Morus, Stadt Planung, neue Perspektiven und vieles mehr.  Interview Deutsch.

Monday 18 March 2024

Prester John


Prester John was a mystery.  A king from the east.   The Pope needed help.  A friend with an army.  Listen to this short story.  An answer to a mystery.  This short story  is in English.  Written and read by Nigel A.  JAMES

Saturday 16 March 2024

Mike Boyle and Evelyne Auer


Mike Boyle and Evelyne Auer in discussion with Nigel A. JAMES.  Listen to this very lively and inspiring discussion. Starting with the topic of home, this exchange moved on in a very interesting way to other subjects as well. Amongst them burnout, the power of language, the great spirit of listening, and more.  This discussion was broadcast on Radio Orange on Tuesday the 19th of July 2022. 

Moderator Nigel A. JAMES

Click here to listen

Thursday 14 March 2024

Stefan Malfèr

Stefan Malfer - Interview Deutsch. Kirchgänger.   Ein Buch über die Geschichte Breitenseer Kirche.  Interview in German. Kirchgänger. A book about the history of the Breitenseer Church in the 14th district of Vienna. Listen to Stefan Malfèr.

Sunday 10 March 2024

Sunday the 9th of March, 2024 - Dr. Tatjana Fischer - Marty Siwy - Dada - Lucy Nemetz

Dr. Tatjana Fischer.  Ein Diskussion.  Utopien, Thomas Morus, Stadt Planung, neue Perspektiven und vieles mehr.

(2020)  English

Dada   A movement that came out of the 1st World War. Switzerland.   An   international very creative movement.  Dada is still very much alive today.

NEMETZ, Lucy  An exciting childhood day.  Just before the second World War. A joy ride in the skies above Vienna.   A great adventure. Short tale from life. English.

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This week's saying of the day comes from Tirol -  Grapes on the vine are not bottles of wine on your table.

Next Talk 49 World - Sunday the 17th of March, 2024.

Thank you for clicking our way.

Sunday 3 March 2024

Sunday the 3rd of March, 2024 - March Words - Stefan Malfer - Nikolaus Stanek - If by Rudyard Kipling - Andrew J. Roberts


March Words

March is a two-faced month.  Unreliable.  March should be the beginning of spring and the end of winter.  But, this rarely works.  Winter, with its very strong grip, just doesn't want to let go.  March has to strugle hard to move forward  to spring.  Spring is no match for winter.  Winter always gets its own way.  The result is confusion.  Cold mornings that call for a coat and afternoons when coats have to be carried.  We have no way of knowing how each day will continue.  March is a month we must take as it comes.

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Stefan Malfer - Interview Deutsch. Kirchgänger.   Ein Buch über die Geschichte Breitenseer Kirche.

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Stanek, Nikolaus - Schwarz/weiss Photos. Interview Deutsch

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KIPLING, Rudyard - If - A Poem. Read by Nigel A. JAMES 

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Andrew J. Roberts - Collecting Time - A tick-tok surprising unusual story. 

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Saying of the Day

This week's saying of the day comes from Tirol.

If you hang out your washing to dry in the mountains, it will dry before it gets dirty again!

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Listen to Podcasts49  

Next Edition of Talk 49 - Sunday the 10th of March, 2024