
Showing posts from December, 2021

A Surprise Christmas Pulli

  This story started life as a brilliant idea!  It was was carried out in a very clever and organized way.  And, it worked like dream.  It looked great.  This is a true Christmas story with an unusual end.  Sweet and sour, happy and sad! Click here to read and listen to this story

A Christmas Story - Vienna 1975 - Otto Herald and Manfred Pollak

  This all happened a long time ago.  Just before Christmas, 1975.  OPEC was coming to the end of its meeting of ministers.  All of a sudden terrorists struck. Carlos and his gang.  OPEC was taken over and hostages taken.  The oil ministers of OPEC. The world was shocked.  A real-life story filled with suspense. Two men played an important role.  Both airline pilots. Otto Herald and Manfred Pollak. This is a story from life. Click here to listen to Otto Herald and Manfred Pollak

Maximillian ACS - Thoughts about Water

In this interesting discussion, Maximilian Acs shares his watery thoughts about desalinisation. There is actually no shortage of water at all.  Only a need for good planning and management.  We are sitting in water.  All we have to do is use it! Click here to listen to Maximillian ACS

The Heilsarmee Wien - Salvation Army, Vienna

The Salvation Army - Heilsarmee - has been active in Vienna for more than 90 years.  They play a very important role in the lives of very many people. The Salvation Army's  motto is soup, soap, and salvation.  Suppe, Seife, Seelenheil.  In this short German interview, I spoke to Andreas Schmaranzer  and Rita Leber.  This short interview is a picture of the valuable work of the Heilsarmee in Vienna. Please enjoy it. Please click here to Listen to interview.