Sunday 25 February 2024

Edition 6, 25th of February, 2024 - Isabella Thaler - Michi Wrizal - Otto Herald - War of the Worlds

Isabella Thaler - In English - Photography is not only an interesting hobby, it is very satisfying as well.  An interesting discussion. 

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WRIZAL, Michi - Life in a small Austrian town.  Retz. The enormous differences. City life and country living. An intersting discussion.  Interview in English.  February 2023

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HERALD Otto - A terrorist take over in Vienna. OPEC  The world's oil ministers held captive. An exciting Christmas flight to destination unknown!  Would they come back alive? Real suspense.
Real life story. English
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Hear about the radio broadcast that stunned and shocked New York.

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Saying of the Week

This week's saying comes once again from Tirol.  
Having enough is always enough, but, not having enough is always better than having nothing at all.

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Next edition of Talk 49 World - Sunday the 3rd of March

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Listen to Podcasts49  

Sunday 18 February 2024

18th of February, 2024, Andrea Nemeth - Petra Novak - Lucy Abel - A Shimmering Guest


Andrea Nemeth talks to Nigel A. JAMES.  An interesting discussion from Australia.  Great Barrier Reef, life, and more

ABEL, Lucy - The Perfect Christmas present that involved the entire family!
True Christmas tale - English

Saying from Ireland -  Everyone who passes through this door brings happiness.  Some by entering, some by leaving!

Next issue of Talk 49 -  Sunday 25th of February 2024

Sunday 11 February 2024

2024/3 - Ingrid Reifingerhütte - Jordanke Neidenova - Emily Clark - Michael and Judith Basch - Pocket Thinking

Pocket Thinking - In this edition of  Pocket Thinking,  Nigel A JAMES thinks out loud about Christmas cards. Interesting thoughts.

 Ingrid Reifingerhütte  Interview in English.  An interesting visit to Schloss Ambras in Tirol.  A schloss with surprises. It's well worth a visit.

Jordanke Neidenova and Martin Schlamberger.  Interview in English.  A chance encounter at a bus stop.  A spontaneous discussion.  Multi-directional.  Two very interesting people. Changes and developments.

Little Emily Clark - Short story in English - Little Emily's twin brother said the right thing at the right time.  He saved his sister's life!  

Michael and Judith Basch - Short story in English - Michael and Judith went to Mongolia. They got a very big surprise.   

Saying from Wales - It's good to count sheep in the day, your afternoon naps will be better.

More Listening Pleasure - Talk49 Podcasts

Talk 49 World - Next edition - Sunday 18th of February

Thursday 1 February 2024

Edition 3, February, 2024. February Words - Susanne Kannenberg - Carlos Mazario - Christian Rinder - Palace of Glass

February Words - February is the shortest month of the year.  It's still very cold and everyone's had enough of the winter.   But, February's the most important month of the year.  February is power and energy.  It's the real start of the year.  And, February's  power and strength lies in its lengthening days. First a whisper then a shout.  February sees the return of the light.  A great awakening.  Life begins once again.

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Susanne Kannenberg - Interview in English - Listen to this interesting interview.  A wonderful East German communist childhood that ended with a painful western bang!  No happy end!

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Carlos Mazario - Interview in English - Carlos is a Spanish pigeon fancier. A man of pigeon history, too.  Listen as Carlos tells us all about pigeon racing and other pigeon surprises as well.

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Christian Rinder - A short story in English - Coming homes can be the sweetest of all. Especiallyif no one knows you're coming.  Listen to this very moving end of war story.

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Palace of Glass - Buildings, too, have stories. Listen to this true story about a lakeside palace of glass with, so far,  only 2 lives. A third is hopefully coming!

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Saying from Tirol -  If you never turn over a stone, you will never find out what's hiding beneath it!

Next Edition of Talk 49 World - 11th February