Monday 15 August 2022



We think we understand our pet guinea pigs.  We have no idea!  We are the MONSTERS!  We have lots to learn.  Listen to Susanne Kannenberg of Hannover. She loves guinea pigs and knows all about them. 

Click here to listen to Susanne KANNENBERG

Click here to listen to Susanne KANNENBERG on Radio Orange

Saturday 13 August 2022

Frank RUF - Mirrors and Shadows


Listen to Frank Ruf in discussion.  A man of not only this world.  A book on its way.  Alpha.  Secrets and secret people.  Secrets that shouldn't be secret.  A look into space, and very much more as well.  An interesting chat and very good listening.

This interview was broadcast from Vienna on Radio Orange on Friday 12. August 2022.

Interview in English.

Click here to listen to Frank Ruf

Wednesday 10 August 2022

Andrea Klar - Weaving a Life


Weaving is a passion. Listen to this discussion with Andrea Klar.   How she got started and the steps that she took to make her dreams real. Works of creation are more.  They have a life!
Weaving is creating in a passionate way. 

Friday 5 August 2022

Klaus Wechselberger Lebensbaum

Bäume sind unsere Freunde.  Sie brauchen unsere Pflege und Aufmerksamkeit.  Besonders in unseren Städten.  Klaus Wechselberger lebt und arbeitet in Wien.  Er leitet d. Initiative Zukunft   Stadtbäume.  Er hat eine Geschichte und eine Mission.  Dieses Interview ist auf Deutsch.

Trees are our friends.  They need our care and attention.  Especially in our cities.  Klaus Wechselberger lives and works in Vienna.  He runs an initiative for the future of city trees.  He has a story and a mission.  This interview is in German.

Click here for Interview - Klicken Sie hier.

Click hier für d. Initiative Zukunft   Stadtbäume.  Klaus Wechselberger