Monday 29 April 2024

Jan de Cock - A Life Behind Bars

Jan de Cock has often been in prison.  Not because of crimes he's committed, but, instead,  because of his wanting to help. Prisoners, too, have their needs.  Jan de Cock has travelled the world.  But, getting into prisons was not always easy.  Listen to this intersting story.  In English.  

Written and read by Nigel A.  JAMES

Thursday 25 April 2024

Niki Stanek

Niki Stanek fotografiert schon sehr lange. Er macht nicht nur die Fotos, er entwickelt sie auch und druckt sie ab.  Alles Kunstwerke. Niki Stanek bevorzugt schwarz-weiß.  Hören Sie Niki Stanek im Gespräch mit Nigel A. JAMES.  Diskussion auf Deutsch.

Niki Stanek has been taking photographs for a very long time. He not only takes the photos, he develops them and prints them as well.  All works of art. Niki Stanek prefers black and white.  Listen to Niki Stanek talking to Nigel A. JAMES.  Discussion in German.

Monday 22 April 2024



Dada   A movement that came out of the 1st World War.   Switzerland.   An   international very creative movement.  Dada is still very much alive today. 

Click on Dada to listen

Thursday 18 April 2024

Inou - Ein Radio Man aus Kamaroon - Interview Deutsch


Inou. Kamerun in Afrika.   Radio mit Geschichten.   Deutsch, English. Französisch.  Radio Man Inou erzählt.  Ein Diskussion.  Nigel A.  JAMES und Inou. Spannend.

Click here to listen to discussion with Inou.

Monday 15 April 2024

Bruno Hope - Under A Roman Moon

Under A Roman Moon 

The end of World War 2.  Bruno Hope was on his way home.  Walking up through Italy.  Vienna getting closer as each day went by.   Then the partisans struck. A true end of war story.  Written and read by Nigel A.  JAMES

Friday 12 April 2024

Inou, A Radio Man from Cameroon


Listen to this highly interesting interview.  Inou talks about what radio means in the Cameroon. Radio is more than just something to listen to, Radio is part of the substance of Cameroon living.  

This interview is in English.  Moderated by Nigel A. JAMES

Monday 8 April 2024

Oleh Kovtun. Interview Deutsch


Oleh Kovtun ist ein Priester der griechisch-katholischen Kirche in Wien.  Hören Sie sich seine sehr interessante Geschichte an. Seine Gefühle, seine Pflichten, sein Leben und noch viel mehr. Gute Zeiten, schwere Zeiten, und eine Radiogeschichte auch.

Oleh Kovtun is a priest of the Greek Catholic Church in Vienna.  Listen to his very interesting story. His feelings, his duties, his life and much more as well. Good times, hard times, and a radio story, too.

Listen to / hören Sie Oleh Kovtun on Radio Orange, Wien

Listen on YouTube

Saturday 6 April 2024

Christian Rinder

Christian Rinder - A short story in English - Unexpected coming homes are the sweetest of all. Especiallyif no one knows you're coming, and, especially, if no one even knows you're alive.  Listen to this very moving end of war story.

Click on Christian Rinder to listen to this story on YouTube

Thursday 4 April 2024

Ingrid Reifinger Hütte

Ingrid Reifinger-Hütte  Interview in English.  An interesting visit to Schloss Ambras in Tirol.  A schloss with surprises. It's well worth a visit.  Find out more.  To listen to interview on YouTube please click Ingrid Hütte

Monday 1 April 2024

April Words

 April Words

April's a month that arrives in great splendour.  There is no other month like quite April.  April is a month of power and force.  And, April's more than a month.  April's a feeling as well. A feeling of strength.  April's the engine that pulls the year in its train.  

Without the energy of April, there would be no early growth, and, without early growth there would be little to keep life together. Without April there would be no early harvests in summer, and, there would be no Mayday dancing and singing. Life would be quiet without April.

And, April's not only the month that powers the year, April powers our emotions as well.  April uplifts  and frees  from the  clutches of Winter.  

April liberates.  Our energy is back. we are recharged.  We are  free to move on.

And, this in a nutshell is April.  April is magic in splendour.  There is no other month quite like April. 

April Words by Nigel A.  JAMES