December 2023

Programme December 2023
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December Words conclude - Please scroll down

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Pocket Thinking

20 minutes maximum concentration just isn't true!  Listen to these words. We can do better. 

4 minutes

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Interview in English  -  Dr Kathryn Ferry -- Interview in English - Her latest book - The Old Convent East GrinsteadEnglish convents were not only praying and reading the Bible. For many women, convents were a door to a much better and totally rewarding life as well.  Listen to this very intersting inerview.

18 minutes.

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Interview in EnglishDr. Susanne KANNENBERG,  Guinea pigs. Stop being a monster.  Dogs maybe man's best friend. But, guinea pigs hate us with passion.  Especially children.  

25 minutes.

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Interview in DeutschManfred GEIGER - Berge und Abenteuer.  Mountains and adventures.  Leben am Seil. Hängen  im nichts.  Große Gefahr und Spaß.  Life on a rope. Hanging in space.  Great danger and fun.  

16 Minuten.

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Interview in DeutschRainhard KLOUCEK  - Secretary General Pan Europa, Wien.   Pan Europa ist keine kleine Stimme auf der Weltbühne.  Sie wird sehr wohl gehört.  Pan Europa is no small voice on the world stage.  It is very much listened to. 

17 Minuten

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SHORT and to the point - English - Marty Siwy, A walk in the woods - nearly  her last! Trees don't warn when they fall.

3 minutes 

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Short  Story - EnglishA Shimmering Guest - A late night very true story.  Listen if you dare!  Ghosts are very, very real. I saw one many years ago.  A very strange feeling.

4 minutes

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An Experience - English -  BUDAPEST BLUES - A true story from long ago  This was an experience that literally rocked the bus. Very frightening, too.

5 minutes

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A Saying from Tirol - Found in a Bishop's diary

A duck that is swinning for fun in a river is a very happy duck, but, a duck that is swimming in fat in a pan in the oven is not very happy at all!!1

Ein Spruch aus Tirol - gefunden im Tagebuch eines Bischofs

Ein Ente, die zum Spaß im Fluss schwimmt, ist eine sehr glückliche Ente, aber eine Ente, die im Fett im Ofen schwimmt, ist überhaupt nicht glücklich!!!

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December Words 

December ends yet another tired and worn out year.  And, this is why December would like to believe it's still part of November. December is still dark.  But, gradually even this darkness is leaving and going elsewhere.  The longest night has already left and the light has started to turn.  But, December has to be forced to be happy.  We help it each year.  Advent and Christmas.  And we even bring our own colourful lights and much more as well.  But, nevertheless, no one really likes December. No one can wait for its end. There are, after all,  happier times round the corner.  And, much better than now.  NAJ 2023

See you in January!

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