August Edition 2023

August Words

We've reached August again.  It was waiting all the time.  And now, having climbed this slippery hill, we have come to the top of the year.  The days are drawing in, the nights getting longer, and the smell of the north is high up on the wind. There is a chill in the air.  Summer is losing its strength.  All that is left is our annual slide downhill  to the end of the year and Christmas.  We can't escape Christmas. It will always be with us wherever we go.  A certaintity.  But, next August is a certainty, too.  Enjoy the coming months.  They  will come and go whatever we do!

Our August Programme

Listen to Heide Breuer. A very rich life of creating.  Many different but very close directions.  Pottery.  Writing - a new book is on its way.  Music -especially piano. Travelling and living in countries near and far.  Backpacking in Africa! + + + +  Hören Sie Heide Brauer zu. Ein sehr reiches Leben des Schaffens.  Viele verschiedene, aber sehr enge Richtungen.  Töpfern.  Schreiben - ein neues Buch ist auf dem Weg.  Musik - vor allem Klavier. Reisen und Leben in nahen und fernen Ländern.  Rucksacktourismus in Afrika! 

Interview in English  First published 1 year ago

Click here to listen.

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Carina Mohacsi im Gespräch mit Nigel A. JAMES.  Diese Seite eines sehr harten und sehr dunklen Traums. Hören Sie sich Carinas Geschichte an.  Eine Krankheit, die sie an den Rand des Abgrunds brachte.  Und sie ist gerade mal 20 Jahre alt. Ein Interview, das man sich unbedingt anhören muss.

Carina Mohacsi talks to Nigel A.  JAMES.  This side of a very hard and very dark dream. Listen to Carina's story.  An illness that took her to the edge.  And, she's only just 20. An interview that must be listened to. Interview in German.

Interview only on YouTube

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Old Moon Eyes - Stories for kids (however old or young you maybe)

This month, Hilary Benson lives in a dustbin in London.  This is a very true story!  Video with text
and translation - English / German
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Listen on SPOTIFY - Follow 49 Talk and search Carlos Mazario
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Sermons are very important
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Listen and Read - Little Emily Clark  -A Guardian Angel, a doctor, and a plane that was leaving for London.  A life and death long ago story.  

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Carina Mohacsi im Gespräch mit Nigel A. JAMES.  Diese Seite eines sehr harten und sehr dunklen Traums. Hören Sie sich Carinas Geschichte an.  Eine Krankheit, die sie an den Rand des Abgrunds brachte.  Und sie ist gerade mal 20 Jahre alt. Ein Interview, das man sich unbedingt anhören muss.

Carina Mohacsi talks to Nigel A.  JAMES.  This side of a very hard and very dark dream. Listen to Carina's story.  An illness that took her to the edge.  And, she's only just 20. An interview that must be listened to.

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GEIGER, Manfred - Berge und Abenteuer.  Mountains and adventures.  Interview in German.   (A summer repeat)

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August Words

We've reached August again.  It was waiting all the time.  And now, having climbed this slippery hill, we have come to the top of the year.  The days are drawing in, the nights getting longer, and the smell of the north is high up on the wind. There is a chill in the air.  Summer is losing its strength.  All that is left is our annual slide downhill  to the end of the year and Christmas.  We can't escape Christmas. It will always be with us wherever we go.  A certaintity.  But, next August is a certainty, too.  Enjoy the coming months.  They  will come and go whatever we do!

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