April 2023

April.  April is different.   April is the month that bridges the gap between the long haul of winter and the fine downward slope towards summer.  April is the sweetest of all.  April is the energy we need.  April is life.  So, put out your hand and touch the hand of April.  Feel it and breath it,  April is here! 

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Listen and Read!  The True story of Paris Maderna.  He reinvented the bike and fell on his head.  An amusing short story.

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Vanessa Mdluli and Pavitre Tottokara

Listen to this amazing discussion.  Femicide - A nightmare conclusion of suffering and despair. Listen to the efforts being made to prevent this ultimate irreversable tragedy.  A very moving discussion.


Edgar.  A young Viennese singer, guitarist, and song writer. Listen as Edgar talks to us about his work.  Tracks, too.  A musical treat.

Edgar.  Ein junger Wiener Sänger, Gitarrist und Songschreiber. Hören Sie, wie Edgar mit uns über seine Arbeit spricht.  Auch Tracks.  Ein musikalischer Genuss.

Radio Orange Wien,  21. April, 2023

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Andrea Nemeth talks to Nigel A.  JAMES

Listen to this very interesting dicussion.  Andrea Nemitz lives and works in Australia.  An exciting colourful life.  She is an underwater photographer  and a diving teacher.  Andrea talks about the Great Barrier Reed and its chances of survival.  Andrea's life is under the waves.  Fish, sharks, turtles, and more.  On land as well.  A vast story.  Distances, and, of  course, Alice!

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Johanna Arbeithüber speaks to Nigel A. JAMES

Listen to this interesting discussion.  Socks, wool, buttons, and life.  Country and town. Upper Austria and Vienna.

Broadcast on Radio Orange 14. April. 2023.  Interview in English.

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Sylvia Dietz kennt sich mit Hunden aus.

 Klicken Sie hier for Interview.

Sylvia Dietz kennt sich mit Hunden aus.  Hunde sind nicht nur sehr nette Haustiere, sie sind mehr.  Sylvia bildet ihre Hunde aus, um Leben zu retten. Suchhunde.  Suchhunde sinddio von unschätzbarem Wert, wenn Katastrophen eintreten.  Erdbeben, Lawinen und mehr. Oder wenn sich jemand einfach in einem Wald verirrt. Man weiß ja nie.  Sylvia und ihre Hunde. Eine wunderbare Geschichte.

Sylvia Dietz understands dogs.  Dogs are not only very nice pets, they are more.  Sylvia is training her dogs to save lives. Search dogs.  Search dogs are invaluable when disaster strikes.  Earth quakes, avalanches, and more. Or, when someone simply gets lost in a forest. One never knows.  Sylvia and her dogs. A wonderful story.

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Listen to this very interesting discussion. Folk music, Brighton, Life in Austria, and Radio Attak.  This was transmitted on Radio Orange on the 7th of April 2023. 

Unfortunately, there were one one or two audio issues that arose whilst making this interview. Sorry!

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Home Thoughts from  Abroad - Poem by Robert Browning

"Oh, to be in England . . . .

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Oleh Kovtun

Hören Sie Oleh Kovtun und Nigel A. JAMES, wie sie über die griechisch-katholische Kirche diskutieren.  Sehr interessant.  Interview auf Deutsch.

Listen to Oleh Kovtun and Nigel A JAMES discussing the Greek Catholic Church.  Very Interesting.  Interview in German.

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