KAMINSKY, Pawel - A family holiday. Sheep, hard work, and good fun! This will make you want to head to the hills! Interview in English. Moderated by Nigel A. JAMES
Nika Sommeregger ist eine Theaterregisseurin. Sie hat viel zu sagen, und natürlich auch eine Botschaft. Hören Sie sich diese interessante Diskussion an. Moderiert von Nigel A. JAMES. Deutsche Sprache. Nika Sommeregger is a theatre director. She has much to say, and, of course a message as well. Listen to this interesting discussion. Moderated by Nigel A. JAMES. German language. Click here to listen - Zum Anhören hier klicken -
Our January Programme January Words conclude, please scroll down! - - - - - - -- Pocket Thinking - This month we're dealing with planning the future. The future - a very much misunderstood concept. Listen and enjoy. In English. - - - - - - - - Interview Deutsch - Lisl Fischer - Eine ungewöhnliche Gartenüberraschung am frühen Morgen! Und es geschah in Wien. Lisl Fisher - An unusual visitor was waiting for Lisl. A True garden story that happened in Vienna. German. 2018 - - - - - - - - - Alexandra Lanz - A true story of lost very black years. Suffering and miracles and a very happy end. Listen and believe. English Alexandra Lanz - Eine wahre Geschichte über verlorene, sehr schwarze Jahre. Leid und Wunder und ein sehr glückliches Ende. Hören Sie zu und glauben Sie. Englisch - - - - - - - - YIANNOUDES, Constantinous - An opera company that was thought up at an airport! Now, on the move - USA, Austri...
February Words - February is the shortest month of the year. It's still very cold and everyone's had enough of the winter. But, February's the most important month of the year. February is power and energy. It's the real start of the year. And, February's power and strength lies in its lengthening days. First a whisper then a shout. February sees the return of the light. A great awakening. Life begins once again. - - - - Susanne Kannenberg - Interview in English - Listen to this interesting interview. A wonderful East German communist childhood that ended with a painful western bang! No happy end! - - - - - Carlos Mazario - Interview in English - Carlos is a Spanish pigeon fancier. A man of pigeon history, too. Listen as Carlos tells us all about pigeon racing and other pigeon surprises as well. - - - - - - Christian Rinder - A short story in English - Coming homes can be the sweetest of all. Esp...