
Showing posts from September, 2024

Hristina Lazarova

  Hristina Lazarova.  Eine  junger Damen. Musik und Leben.  Immer was neues.  Music and life. Always something new. More from Hristina LAZAROVA   LAZOROVA Hristina - A young Bulgarian singer with a very big future. Interview 2022 in Deutsch Links -

Otto Herald and Manfred Pollak

  This all happened a long time ago.  Just before Christmas, 1975.  OPEC was coming to the end of its meeting of ministers.  All of a sudden terrorists struck. Carlos and his gang.  OPEC was taken over and hostages taken.  The oil ministers of OPEC. The world was shocked.  A real-life story filled with suspense. Two men played an important role.  Both airline pilots. Otto Herald and Manfred Pollak. This is a story from life. Click here to listen to Otto Herald and Manfred Pollak

Pfarrer Georg Fröschl

Die Rolle der Kirche von heute?  Eine sehr schwierige Frage. Dies ist eine sehr interessante Diskussion mit Pfarrer Georg Fröschl vom Pfarrer Breitensee in Wien. Eine Diskussion in deutscher Sprache.  Moderator, Nigel A. JAMES  The Role of the present day church?  A very hard question. This is a very interesting discussion with Pfarrer Georg Fröschl of the Pfarrer Breitensee in Vienna. A discussion in German.  Moderator, Nigel A.  JAMES

Lucy Nemetz

Lucy Nemetz    An exciting childhood day.  Just before the second World War. A joy ride in the skies above Vienna.    A great adventure. Short tale from life. English.

The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 17

The Farm at Lane's End is back from its summer vacation. The excitement continues! Click here  for all the latest fun and goings on down on the farm.  Always something new!