Saturday 12 October 2024

Patricia Gebel

Interview Deutsch.   Patricia Gebel.  Hören Sie sich dieses spannende Urlaubsbild an.  Weit weg.  In der Nähe der chinesischen Grenze.  Eine junge Frau allein. Die Dinge hätten nicht besser sein können. Moderne Abenteuer sind immer noch möglich.  Von und mit Nigel A.  JAMES

Patricia Gebel.  Listen to this exciting holiday picture.  A long way away.  Close to the Chinese border.  A young woman alone. Things could not have been better. Modern Adventure is still very possible.

Sunday 6 October 2024

Pawel Kaminsky


KAMINSKY, Pawel - A family holiday.  Sheep, hard work, and good fun!  This is a must for those of you with young kids and no ideas where to go for the holidays.  Very much better than beach time stress. 

Wednesday 25 September 2024

Hristina Lazarova


Hristina Lazarova.  Eine  junger Damen. Musik und Leben.  Immer was neues.  Music and life. Always something new.

More from Hristina LAZAROVA 

Interview 2022 in Deutsch

Links -

Otto Herald and Manfred Pollak


This all happened a long time ago.  Just before Christmas, 1975.  OPEC was coming to the end of its meeting of ministers.  All of a sudden terrorists struck. Carlos and his gang.  OPEC was taken over and hostages taken.  The oil ministers of OPEC. The world was shocked.  A real-life story filled with suspense. Two men played an important role.  Both airline pilots. Otto Herald and Manfred Pollak. This is a story from life.

Click here to listen to Otto Herald and Manfred Pollak

Sunday 15 September 2024

Pfarrer Georg Fröschl

Die Rolle der Kirche von heute?  Eine sehr schwierige Frage. Dies ist eine sehr interessante Diskussion mit Pfarrer Georg Fröschl vom Pfarrer Breitensee in Wien. Eine Diskussion in deutscher Sprache.  Moderator, Nigel A. JAMES 

The Role of the present day church?  A very hard question. This is a very interesting discussion with Pfarrer Georg Fröschl of the Pfarrer Breitensee in Vienna. A discussion in German.  Moderator, Nigel A.  JAMES

Saturday 7 September 2024

Lucy Nemetz

Lucy Nemetz   An exciting childhood day.  Just before the second World War. A joy ride in the skies above Vienna.   A great adventure. Short tale from life. English.

The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 17

The Farm at Lane's End is back from its summer vacation. The excitement continues!

Click here for all the latest fun and goings on down on the farm.  Always something new!

Thursday 29 August 2024

Gabriel MASZARICS - On the Road


A small church in Berlin

Gabriel Maszerics is a traveller. Lots to talk about. Berlin, Dresdon, Prague, and Barcelona. Impressions and feelings, people  great and small, food and more. Listen to this interesting discussion.  Nigel A. JAMES and Gabriel Maszerics. Recorded 28th of August, 2024.  Vienna

Sunday 25 August 2024

A Day Trip to the Coast

This is a story an old farmer told me. Real history.  A Yorkshire village day out to the coast.  A steam train, sandwiches for lunch, fun on the beach, and a hearty end to a wonderful day. This is interesting listening.  Written and read by Nigel A.  JAMES

Talk Inter is short stories and more.  Talk Inter is also on SPOTIFY.  Go to SPOTIFY and search Talk Inter.

Saturday 24 August 2024

Dr. Kathryn Ferry - On the Beach

Dr Kathryn Ferry is an historian. The British seaside is her subject. An enormous topic. Listen to this interesing interview.  

CLICK HERE -   FERRY  Dr. Kathryn  - Beaches and history. Interesting discussion. 


Sunday 11 August 2024

Susanne Kannenberg - An East German Childhood - A summer repeat -

 Susanne Kannenberg - Interview in English - Listen to this interesting interview.  A wonderful East German communist childhood that ended with a painful western bang!  No happy end!

Thursday 8 August 2024

Summer Repeat - Rainhard KLOUCEK - Interview in Deutsch -

Rainhard KLOUCEK  - Secretary General Pan Europa, Wien.   Pan Europa ist keine kleine Stimme auf der Weltbühne.  Sie wird sehr wohl gehört.  Pan Europa is no small voice on the world stage.  It is very much listened to. 

Moderator - Nigel A. JAMES

17 Minuten

Friday 2 August 2024

August the 2nd, 2024 - Summer Repeat - Susanne Kannenberg


We think we understand our pet guinea pigs.  We have no idea!  We are the MONSTERS!  We have lots to learn.  Listen to Susanne Kannenberg of Hannover. She loves guinea pigs and knows all about them. 

Click here to listen to Susanne KANNENBERG

Click here to listen to Susanne KANNENBERG on Radio Orange

Sunday 28 July 2024

Lisl Fischer - Interview Deutsch


Wien.  Ein Garten. Wieder ein Jahr vorbei.  Pflanzen, Tiere, Gemüse, Geschichten und mehr.  Ein faszinierender Einblick in eine sehr grüne Welt.  Nigel A. JAMES und Lisl Fischer.

Vienna.  A garden. Another year gone.  Plants, animals, vegetable, stories and more.  A fascinating glimpse into a very green world.  Nigel A.  JAMES and Lisl Fischer.

Sunday 21 July 2024

The Train from Veszprem to Gyor

This week we're taking a very slow train.  We're in Hungary.  On the train from Veszprem to Gyor.  And this very slow train is very, very special. Hold on tight and listen to this very short story.   

Diese Woche fahren wir mit einem sehr langsamen Zug.  Wir sind in Ungarn.  Mit dem Zug von Veszprem nach Gyor.  Und dieser sehr langsame Zug ist etwas ganz Besonderes. Halten Sie sich gut fest und hören Sie sich diese kurze Geschichte an.

It was a very hot day when we took the train from Veszprem to Gyor. We were in Hungary. And, our short journey north was full of summer time fun. This very small train was packed full of families with kids. They were happy, excited, and on their home. And, there was noise. There was giggling, laughing and singing, and the sounds of kids chasing each other through the train. And, this giggling and laughing turned into incredible ear piercing screams each time the train went into a tunnel. Screams that lasted as long as the tunnels. And, there were very many tunnels on our route and some very long! There was, of course, much more than the noise. There was very much to see as we went on our very slow way. The Bakony, through which we were passing was pure natural beauty. Forest as far as the eye could see, rivers and streams, and colourful flora. A paradise for those who love nature. But, the hand of man was clearly visible, too. There was a very proud monastery that stood on a hill. Many small villages and churches. Farms with animals and tractors. And, even a castle that had seen many battles. And, this was the sense of the journey. Ancient and modern. Young and old and all having fun. All enjoying the ride. And, the train was the ride. The train, which we called the garden shed on wheels, was made up of 4 or 5 very small carriages. The seats which were plastic had seen better days, and the whole train needed a coat of fresh paint. But, none of this mattered. The train did the job and that was all that was needed. Fun doesn't need luxury. So, next time you have time, go down to Hungary and wait for the train. Gyor down to Veszprem and back. And, by the way, Gyor and Veszprem are well worth a visit as well. It was a very hot day when we took the slow train from Veszprem to Gyor. Eighty kilometres in three and a half very short hours. And, we enjoyed every minute. The train from Veszprem to Gyor. A very noisy ride on a hot summer's day.

Friday 19 July 2024

Harry Wirthner

Ein Mann mit einem musikalischen, sehr wienerischen Projekt.  Ein großer Spaß für alle.  Interview auf Deutsch. Moderiert von Nigel A. JAMES

A man with a musical very Viennese project.  Lots of fun for everyone.  Interview in German. Moderated by Nigel A.  JAMES

Friday 12 July 2024

Nika Sommeregger

Nika Sommeregger ist eine Theaterregisseurin.  Sie hat viel zu sagen, und natürlich auch eine Botschaft. Hören Sie sich diese interessante Diskussion an.  Moderiert von Nigel A. JAMES.  Deutsche Sprache.

Nika Sommeregger is a theatre director.  She has much to say, and, of course a message as well. Listen to this interesting discussion.  Moderated by Nigel A. JAMES.  German language.

 Click here to listen -  Zum Anhören hier klicken - 

Thursday 4 July 2024

Rebecca Hughes

Click here to listen to Rebecca Hughes.

In this short discussion, Rebecca Hughes of Eastoft in Yorkshire in England talks about country life.  About bees, Corona and lockdown, and about how the isolation of lockdown brought people together in a very close way!  Teddy bears in windows and the swapping of books.  Silver linings in very dark clouds.

First broadcast - Nov. 8. 2022

The Farm at Lane's End


Click here for all the latest fun and goings on down on the farm.  Always something new!

Friday 28 June 2024

Magdalena Pfeifer

Femizid gehört tragischerweise zum Menschsein dazu. Magdalena Pfeifer hat ein Friedensprojekt.  Hören Sie sich an, was sie zu diesem Thema und den Fragen, die sie aufwirft, zu sagen hat.  Eine interessante Diskussion.  In deutscher Sprache.  Moderator Nigel A. JAMES


Femicide is tragically part and parcel of the makeup of being human. Magdalena Pfeifer has a peace project.  Listen to what she has to say on this subject and the questions she raises.  An interesting discussion.  German language.  Moderator Nigel A.  JAMES


Sunday 23 June 2024

Little Emily Clark

Little Emily Clark  - Listen and Read - Scroll down for audio.

I heard the following story a long time ago. It's a story of miracle, luck, and good chance. A story that moved me. Something I've never forgotten.

Vienna, the summer of 1973. I was having tea with the Clarks. I was a family friend. And, the Clarks had 4 very nice children. Nicola and Roger who were 18 and 19, and Emily and Peter who were twins. And, they were still very young. In fact, only 6. And, the following story was all about Emily and Peter.

The Clarks had recently moved back to Europe from Africa. Noel Clark, the father, had worked there as foreign correspondent and was now doing the same in Vienna. And, this story I'm about to relate had taken place 4 years previously whilst the Clarks were still living in Africa.

It was a hot afternoon down in Africa. An old friend of the Clarks had dropped in for tea. A doctor from London. He was passing through on his way down to the Cape. An international medical conference in Cape Town. The doctor and the Clarks had been friends for a very many years. In fact, they had even been to school together. And, now it was afternoon teatime in Africa. Marion Clark made the tea and everyone sat down for tea. That is to say, everyone except little Emily.

Little Emily was up in her room. She was not feeling well. And, then, when the doctor enquired how little Emily was, it was Peter, Emily's twin, who spoke.

Little Emily cries very much, she's tired all the time, she never wants to play, and, she never eats supper. And, there's one other thing, my sister looks kind of blue”. The doctor stopped eating. He was taken to Emily.

The very next morning, Emily and her mother were on the plane back to London. And, it was all thanks to Peter. In his innocent way he had accurately described the symptoms of Emily's condition. A hole in the heart. And, there at the airport in London and waiting for them was an ambulance. There wasn't much time. Speed was important.

The operation took place that very same night. It lasted more than 8 hours. And, 3 days later Emily woke up. She had come through.

And, 6 other little children were treated for the very same thing that week. Only 2 survived. Emily and one other child. Emily had been very, very lucky. She'd had a Guardian Angel. And, Emily's Guardian Angel was Peter her twin. It was Peter's innocent words that had saved Emily's life.

This is a story I've never forgotten.  A doctor on his way to a conference, little Peter's innocent remarks, and a plane that was leaving. Good chance, good luck, and very good timing. All three at the very same time.  A coincidence?  Who knows?  But, I believe there was something more. Something much higher.

And, I often wonder what happened to Emily. It was, after all,  a long time ago. The afternoon we had tea in Vienna.


Monday 17 June 2024

Dr. Tatjana Fischer


Dr. Tatjana Fischer.  Ein Diskussion.  Utopien, Thomas Morus, Stadt Planung, neue Perspektiven und vieles mehr.  Interview Deutsch. Moderator Nigel A.  JAMES

Saturday 15 June 2024

Franz Knafl


Franz Knafl.  A man of great determination who's following the path of hard iron discipline. Martial arts.  Listen to Franz Knafl's story. A tale of international perspectives and friends all over the world.  Discussion in English with Nigel A.  JAMES

Saturday 8 June 2024



A short discussion in English.  Pride Month dimensions. Interesting points, feelings,  and an ongoing struggle. Nigel A.  JAMES and Gabriel MESZARICS. 

 Listen Here!


Tuesday 4 June 2024

Albert Gunter

London - It was Just before Christmas 1952.  Listen to this amazing story.  A London double decker bus was just approaching tower bridge. Suddenly the bridge started opening.  It was too late to stop.  The bus had to go on!  Albert Gunter, the driver, knew what to do. Real life drama!

Click here to listen to Albert Gunter

London - Es war kurz vor Weihnachten 1952.  Hören Sie sich diese erstaunliche Geschichte an.  Ein Londoner Doppeldeckerbus fuhr gerade auf die Tower Bridge zu. Plötzlich begann sich die Brücke zu öffnen.  Es war zu spät, um anzuhalten.  Der Bus musste weiterfahren!  Albert Gunter, der Fahrer, wusste, was zu tun war. Ein echtes Drama aus dem Leben!

Thursday 30 May 2024

Dr. Kathryn Ferry

Dr Kathryn  Ferry, Interview - Her book - The Old Convent East Grinstead  - Often, going into a convent was not just for praising the Lord.  Business and an otherwise impossible life, too.  Listen to this discussion.  There's a surprise behind every pillar.  Discussion in  English.  Moderator - Nigel A.  JAMES

 Dr Kathryn Ferry -  Book website 

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Pfarrer Georg Fröschl

Die Rolle der Kirche von heute?  Eine sehr schwierige Frage. Dies ist eine sehr interessante Diskussion mit Pfarrer Georg Fröschl vom Pfarrer Breitensee in Wien. Eine Diskussion in deutscher Sprache.  Moderator, Nigel A. JAMES 

The Role of the present day church?  A very hard question. This is a very interesting discussion with Pfarrer Georg Fröschl of the Pfarrer Breitensee in Vienna. A discussion in German.  Moderator, Nigel A.  JAMES

Sunday 19 May 2024

Paris Maderna


Paris Maderna - Short Story English - An amazing true story. Reinventing the wheel, or, in this case, the bike.  But, bikes are bikes and will always be bikes. This is a very fast moving story.  A very big crash,  a wall, and a beer.  Moving on and never giving up.

Paris Maderna - Kurzgeschichte Englisch - Eine erstaunliche wahre Geschichte. Das Rad neu erfinden, oder in diesem Fall das Fahrrad.  Aber Fahrräder sind Fahrräder und werden immer Fahrräder sein. Dies ist eine sehr rasante Geschichte.  Ein schwerer Sturz, eine Mauer und ein Bier.  Weitermachen und niemals aufgeben.

Click Paris Maderna to listen.

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Carina Mohacsi

Carina Mohasci.  Hören Sie sich diese Geschichte des Leidens an.  Magersucht.  Eine lebensbedrohliche Krankheit, von der man sich nur sehr schwer erholen kann.  Carina Mohacsi hat es geschafft.  Aber es brauchte sehr viel harte Arbeit und viel liebevolle Unterstützung. Eine sehr schwarze Zeit für alle Betroffenen und Beteiligten. Dies ist ein starkes Hörerlebnis.  Interview auf Deutsch.  Moderiert von Nigel A. JAMES

Carina Mohasci.  Listen to this story of suffering.  Anorexia Nervosa.  A life threatening illness that takes very much to recover from.  Carina Mohacsi succeeded.  But, it took very much hard work and a lot of loving support. A very black period for all those concerned and involved. This is powerful listening.  Interview in German.  Moderated by Nigel A. JAMES.

Saturday 11 May 2024

Elfie Jordan talks about dogs - Click Here


Hunde bedeuten sehr vielen Menschen sehr viel.  Hören Sie sich Elfie Jordan zu diesem Thema an.  Interview auf Deutsch mit Nigel A. JAMES. 

Dogs mean very much to very many people.  Listen to Elfie Jordan on this subject.  Interview in German with Nigel A. JAMES. 

Wednesday 8 May 2024



KAMINSKY, Pawel - A family holiday.  Sheep, hard work, and good fun! This will make you want to head to the hills!  Interview in English.  Moderated by Nigel A.  JAMES

Click on KAMINSKY, Pawel to listen.

Tuesday 7 May 2024

May Words

May is month that slips in hardly  noticed.  All of a sudden, it's here.  And, of course, May Day is not only May Day.  May Day is much more as well.  

To begin with,   May Day's a celebration of spring.  This old pagan tradition of dancing and singing around maypoles goes back more than 2000 years.     

Another tradition of May Day is the socialist custom of marching.  A long time ago, this used to be a red letter day in the very red socialist calender.  Thousands and thousands of flag waving socialists would get up very early and march.  And, they'd march all day long.  A wonderful way of being together and celebrating the workers and all that they stood for.  But, the numbers of marchers has sadly declined. Most modern workers prefer, instead, to do nothing at all, or go away for a couple of days. 

And, May Day is not only dancing, singing and marching.  Mayday's also a signal sent out that means help.  This, everyone knows all over the world.  

So, May is a month that is very important. Not only in May, but also the rest of the year.  "Mayday, mayday, mayday we're sinking" must also be used in November.  May I have some more, please is everyday language.  And, may we be happy whilst singing and dancing  around maypoles with Poles who grew up and went to school in Warsaw?  Yes, we may!  And, may I have the last dance with you, please?   

You certainly may!

May Words.  Written and read by Nigel A.  JAMES

Listen here - 

Monday 6 May 2024

A Travelogue. The Train from Veszprem to Gyor. A train trip in Hungary


Listen to this travelogue.  Hungary.  A train trip from Veszprem to Gyor.  A trip full of summertime fun.  Kids being kids.  Laughing and screeching.  Beutiful scenery.  A natural gift. And all at a very slow speed.

Hören Sie sich diesen Reisebericht an.  Ungarn.  Eine Zugfahrt von Veszprem nach Gyor.  Eine Reise voller sommerlicher Freude.  Kinder, die Kinder sind.  Lachen und Quietschen.  Wunderschöne Landschaften.  Ein Geschenk der Natur. Und das alles in einem sehr langsamen Tempo.

Friday 3 May 2024

Heinrich Thaler. Irgendwohin und Zurück - Click here

Heinrich Thaler  Interview in Deutsch -  Sein neuestes Buch Irgendwohin und Zurück.   Eine spannende Lektüre.  Eine unglaubliche wahre Geschichte aus der Kriegszeit.  Diese Diskussion muss man sich anhören. 

Heinrich Thaler -  Interview in German - His latest book,  Somewhere and Back.   An exciting read.  An incredibly true  wartime story.  You must listen to this discussion. 

Click here to listen -  Heinrich Thaler  Interview in Deutsch 



Monday 29 April 2024

Jan de Cock - A Life Behind Bars

Jan de Cock has often been in prison.  Not because of crimes he's committed, but, instead,  because of his wanting to help. Prisoners, too, have their needs.  Jan de Cock has travelled the world.  But, getting into prisons was not always easy.  Listen to this intersting story.  In English.  

Written and read by Nigel A.  JAMES

Thursday 25 April 2024

Niki Stanek

Niki Stanek fotografiert schon sehr lange. Er macht nicht nur die Fotos, er entwickelt sie auch und druckt sie ab.  Alles Kunstwerke. Niki Stanek bevorzugt schwarz-weiß.  Hören Sie Niki Stanek im Gespräch mit Nigel A. JAMES.  Diskussion auf Deutsch.

Niki Stanek has been taking photographs for a very long time. He not only takes the photos, he develops them and prints them as well.  All works of art. Niki Stanek prefers black and white.  Listen to Niki Stanek talking to Nigel A. JAMES.  Discussion in German.

Monday 22 April 2024



Dada   A movement that came out of the 1st World War.   Switzerland.   An   international very creative movement.  Dada is still very much alive today. 

Click on Dada to listen

Thursday 18 April 2024

Inou - Ein Radio Man aus Kamaroon - Interview Deutsch


Inou. Kamerun in Afrika.   Radio mit Geschichten.   Deutsch, English. Französisch.  Radio Man Inou erzählt.  Ein Diskussion.  Nigel A.  JAMES und Inou. Spannend.

Click here to listen to discussion with Inou.

Monday 15 April 2024

Bruno Hope - Under A Roman Moon

Under A Roman Moon 

The end of World War 2.  Bruno Hope was on his way home.  Walking up through Italy.  Vienna getting closer as each day went by.   Then the partisans struck. A true end of war story.  Written and read by Nigel A.  JAMES

Friday 12 April 2024

Inou, A Radio Man from Cameroon


Listen to this highly interesting interview.  Inou talks about what radio means in the Cameroon. Radio is more than just something to listen to, Radio is part of the substance of Cameroon living.  

This interview is in English.  Moderated by Nigel A. JAMES

Monday 8 April 2024

Oleh Kovtun. Interview Deutsch


Oleh Kovtun ist ein Priester der griechisch-katholischen Kirche in Wien.  Hören Sie sich seine sehr interessante Geschichte an. Seine Gefühle, seine Pflichten, sein Leben und noch viel mehr. Gute Zeiten, schwere Zeiten, und eine Radiogeschichte auch.

Oleh Kovtun is a priest of the Greek Catholic Church in Vienna.  Listen to his very interesting story. His feelings, his duties, his life and much more as well. Good times, hard times, and a radio story, too.

Listen to / hören Sie Oleh Kovtun on Radio Orange, Wien

Listen on YouTube

Saturday 6 April 2024

Christian Rinder

Christian Rinder - A short story in English - Unexpected coming homes are the sweetest of all. Especiallyif no one knows you're coming, and, especially, if no one even knows you're alive.  Listen to this very moving end of war story.

Click on Christian Rinder to listen to this story on YouTube

Thursday 4 April 2024

Ingrid Reifinger Hütte

Ingrid Reifinger-Hütte  Interview in English.  An interesting visit to Schloss Ambras in Tirol.  A schloss with surprises. It's well worth a visit.  Find out more.  To listen to interview on YouTube please click Ingrid Hütte

Monday 1 April 2024

April Words

 April Words

April's a month that arrives in great splendour.  There is no other month like quite April.  April is a month of power and force.  And, April's more than a month.  April's a feeling as well. A feeling of strength.  April's the engine that pulls the year in its train.  

Without the energy of April, there would be no early growth, and, without early growth there would be little to keep life together. Without April there would be no early harvests in summer, and, there would be no Mayday dancing and singing. Life would be quiet without April.

And, April's not only the month that powers the year, April powers our emotions as well.  April uplifts  and frees  from the  clutches of Winter.  

April liberates.  Our energy is back. we are recharged.  We are  free to move on.

And, this in a nutshell is April.  April is magic in splendour.  There is no other month quite like April. 

April Words by Nigel A.  JAMES


Friday 29 March 2024

Libby Love


Libby Love - Life and some below surface thoughts that open the door to yoga. Some fascinating glimpses.  Enough for more than a feeling.  An interesting discussion.  

Interview in English

To listen on YouTube, please click on Libby Love.


Wednesday 27 March 2024

Peter Rosegger and Teresa Krammer


Peter Rosegger - Life growing up in the mountains of Austria.  Listen to this story.  Teresa Krammer used to come calling.  Selling her wares.  A story from a long time ago.  To listen on YouTube, please click on Peter Rosegger.  YouTube video includes full text.

Sunday 24 March 2024

Young in Vienna - A true night time stary


Young in Vienna -  A late night visit.  The police came calling.  A true story.  A party.  Very much noise.  A fine. But, nevertheless,  an unexpected fine happy end.

Thursday 21 March 2024

Dr. Tatjana Fischer


Dr. Tatjana Fischer.  Ein Diskussion.  Utopien, Thomas Morus, Stadt Planung, neue Perspektiven und vieles mehr.  Interview Deutsch.

Monday 18 March 2024

Prester John


Prester John was a mystery.  A king from the east.   The Pope needed help.  A friend with an army.  Listen to this short story.  An answer to a mystery.  This short story  is in English.  Written and read by Nigel A.  JAMES

Saturday 16 March 2024

Mike Boyle and Evelyne Auer


Mike Boyle and Evelyne Auer in discussion with Nigel A. JAMES.  Listen to this very lively and inspiring discussion. Starting with the topic of home, this exchange moved on in a very interesting way to other subjects as well. Amongst them burnout, the power of language, the great spirit of listening, and more.  This discussion was broadcast on Radio Orange on Tuesday the 19th of July 2022. 

Moderator Nigel A. JAMES

Click here to listen